Is Biblical Christianity Really Practical?

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So, this morning I got up and turned on the TV (to celebrate the end of my Lenten TV fast of course). To the marriage of my fortuitous timing and channel selection, I stumbled across this weeks message from Houston's own Unity Church of Christianity.

The sermon was somewhat consistent with what you would expect. In an nutshell, it goes like this: accept all spiritual beliefs as merely a different expression of the same truth, experience God in your own way (through your own personal enlightenment) and last but not least, add a few superlatives, a little gnosticism and TELL PEOPLE ABOUT IT!

At the end of the broadcast came the three "P"'s of Unity: Positive, Practical, Progressive. I guess the overall message of Christianity is positive (I you want to just skip to the end). Unfortunately, many mainstream evangelicals, whether they admit it or not, think of themselves as "progressive". I think it is the underlying gnostic motivation to get rid of all those old Catholic religious (read: bad) traditions.

Of all the "P" words, the one that really sticks with me is "Practical". Is Christianity really practical at all? Just how do we define what is practical and is not? Does this mean that we teach only the parts of the bible that is practical? Or, does this imply that there is a part of Christianity that is not practical? (and we shouldn't bother with it)

Jesus says, "take up your cross and follow me" and "he who loses his life will find it". Paul says, submit yourselves as "living sacrifices" and as "sheep to the slaughter". My question for the those "in Unity" is, is this part of the practical or impractical Christianity?

But, likewise, my question of those who claim to be orthodox is, are we sacrificing part of Christianity as impractical for the sake of our own comfort about ourselves?

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2 Responses to “Is Biblical Christianity Really Practical?”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    In reference to practical, im thinking it might be practical as in 'hands-on'. If you really take to heart what it means to be a christian then it is pretty obvious that it is not something that is just in the back of your mind, which you sometimes think about. It effects your everyday life and the way you act and do things. For example a practicle way that christianity would effect your life is whether or not you choose to take the time to have a daily bible and prayer time rather than watching that tv show that you really know you could just record and watch later.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Angel... no, clearly (by use of "practical" rhetoric) they were trying exclusively to remove the parts of christianity that made them uncomfortable. I know people that go to this church. As with just about every church where I know ppl that attend, I try to get a feel for what is being taught to them. In this particular case it happens to be heresy. Full blown, send people to hell heresy. Being exposed to the nuances of their epistemology will ultimately equip me to truely share the gospel with my friends. We can agree to disagree, if this seems irrelevant to you. But I do ask, that you not try to evangalize my pagan Unity friends. Thanks.

    Also, my life as a luxuriously blessed prosperous christian affords me both the time to read my bible and watch evangelical TV.

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