What's he looking at?

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Here's a pic from our recent trip down the Ocoee this weekend. Clearly, Howell and I are focused on the task at hand. The question is, what is Emery looking at? Could it be that he spotted a "for sale" sign on the far bank?


5 Responses to “What's he looking at?”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    That's called, "Boring! I could do this in my sleep!" or "Whoa, look at that hot chick!"

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Otherwise known, in Tennessee, as your sister.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Emery...is definately a pointer.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    That camera is magical. Look at my huge muscles. I look bigger than em.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Everybody watch your fingers, 'cause Howell's CUT!

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